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Made of weather resistant .015 thick white polystryene. Your custom imprint is screen printed for durability. Size: 6 inches tall x 12 inches wide with rounded corners and pre-spaced holes. Minimum order is 250 inserts. For orders of 2000 or more please call for a quote. For art charges see below.
Orders are subject to a 10% overrun/underrun and are charged accordingly.
When ordering, please note the following in the information field shown above. (1) Desired imprint. (2) Desired Imprint Colors (all standard colors available). (3) If you want the background colored instead, this is called a reverse. Choose Background Color (all standard colors available). We will fax over a layout for approval. Any changes other than corrections for our errors, may incur an additional art charge.All orders/changes must be approved in writing
Art Charges for 3 Color .015 Insert. $120 charge on orders of 250*. $75 one time charge on first time orders of 500 and above. Any reorder of the exact same custom design does not incur an art charge. * Due to small quantity run, set up charge for 250 is recurring.